The Foundation Program is the second stage of learning, which is Discovery (Jigyasa).
It is an introductory course divided into 8 sessions covering the important aspects of Life-skills.
Session 1 A Pukaar to the Foundation Course
This session provides an insight into the holistic Behtar Life.
Session 2 Introduction to Behtar Life
Introducing the learners to the concept of Life-skills, this session explores- the ways to lead a better life, what is life-skills, benefits of Life-skills, purpose of life skillslife-skills and life-skills as an universal approach.
Session 3 Mind and Spirit:
This session deals with the mental, emotional and spiritual dimension of learner and aims at improving the same. It provides techniques or kaushal to move from stress, pain and suffering to ease, comfort and spread abundntradiant joy.
Session 4 Body and Prana:
Concentrating on the physical and pranic (energetic) dimensions of the learner, this session givesknowledge on the 10 systems of our body and provides techniques to improve the same.
Session 5 Communication and Interpersonal Skills:
The session deals with improving communicative and interpersonal skills of the learners by providing techniques to help them effectively connect with others.
Session 6 Orientationto Systems and Processes:
The session talks about deals importance of begin organizedin the journey for a Behtar life, and provides techniques the everyday systems and processes and helps the learnerbeing organized and predictable.
Session 7 Teamwork and Environment:
This session improves one's understanding of ecology as well as the environment which inversely helps in being more adaptable and accepting towards the people and society.
Session 8 Developing Social & Cultural Values &Dealing with 21st Century:
This session improves one's understanding of ecology as well as the environment which inversely helps in being more adaptable and accepting towards the people and society.