“Who are you?
What makes you, You?
Who am I?
What is my unique I am ness”
Our session today began with these mind baffling questions tossed at us by Mahacharyaji. ‘I am’ ness he explained derives from our whole being…precisely the four aspects of our being- TANN PRAAN MANN CHIT.
“Our Tann is at one extreme of the spectrum and chit on the other…
What joins both is the bridge of Praana”
Prana or the energetic dimension which wakes us up in the morning, carries us to work…nudges us to rest..in short takes us through life. While he was explaining all these…I couldn’t resist the temptation of asking- “…Praan Shakti Burhayekaise?.” I mean, we hit the gym to increase our muscle calibre, do cardio to power up our heart…but how do fortify Praan Shakti.
“Oxygen ahaar se…”
Well that’s precisely it. Mahacharyaji explained, just like any other form of energy. Praanshakti is a by-product of combustion.
“Fuel burns in oxygen to generate Shakti in our body”
Fuel? You guessed it right. Fuel is the food that we digest and oxygen is what we breathe in. Our respiratory system burns them to produce – praan Shakti.
“So you see the quality of your praan Shakti comes from: 1. What your burn (fuel) 2. How good your burn.”
umm…So… What is the SOP of going to sleep?What is the SOP after waking up? Well that’s for you to decide my friend.
“I wont give you a prescription
We all have to make our own vidhis…
our personal sanskars
And take the ‘sankalp’ to stick to it”
So according to Mahachryaji, to increase Praan Shakti, the trick is to eat right and breathe right. Coming to breathing right, do you know Pranleela is one of the advanced technique to flex your praan Shakti and it greatly benefits our nervous system.

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