Natural Discomfort or Artificial Ease?
As old as our traditions go, so rich is our culture. Quite similar a story is that of two of the greatest pillars of our
civilization- the Art of Yoga and Medical Science.
Hindu medicine is as ancient as Hindu Civilization. Atreya Samhita is the oldest medical book in the world and Ayurveda by definition implies
‘The Science of Life’. This rich history played a pivotal role in giving the science of medicine the shape it has acquired in modern times.
On the other hand, the ancient art of yoga has incessantly amazed those who have practiced it, failing many a modern methodology when it came to healing.
The contribution of the great Industrial Revolution is immense in giving birth to tools and techniques that changed the face of the world. As much as it added to development, man’s ease and comfort, it has also driven the process of marketing to a whole new level. But alongside the blinding dazzle of mechanization, at a certain level, it is also a contributing factor in crippling man. In modern times, we are enslaved to artificial means to such an extent that the natural appears to be unnatural.
"Ever since our birth, we adopt means that lead us to go opposite to what’s natural, to go opposite to Yoga. From the very beginning we habituate ourselves with artificial and unnatural means. Thus, sitting in Padmasana or lying down in Shavasana become unnatural processes for our body and take time to grow as habit."- Mahacharya shri sourabh J sarkar.
In one of his sessions, we found Mahacharya ji reflecting on the depth and diversity of our ancient methods that healed many a malady and helped mankind live longer. Answering the simple questions asked by the learners, Mahacharya ji, in the session, focused specifically on StamiFlex and its benefits, setting the human eye as an example- the defects it is prone to and how certain practices from the thread of StamiFlex helps in healing them.
Each practice in StamiFlex is given in minimum measurement in the entire thread of the routine. They need to be practiced properly for the right amount of time for benefits. Too much of it can be harmful as too less can be ineffective. The specific practice for the eyes in the thread of StamiFlex helps in the proper functioning of the eye. Visual defects can be prevented, cured and healed. According to Mahacharya ji, modern science has devised various means which only pose as crutches to these defects. But, there are various natural methods which do not find a way due the advancing labyrinth of marketing.
He states that with changing times we have been compelled to surrender ourselves to the artificial means. This, to a great extent, has led us to the wrong direction. Marketing strategies, undoubtedly, remain to be one of the biggest contributors in this.

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